
詩詩聽西洋歌是從喜歡Take That開始
因為年代太久遠 (十年前) 真的很難找!!
不過皇天不負苦心人 詩詩還是找到他們的一些mv
會陸續放上來 介紹給大家

Back For Good是讓更多台灣人認識他們的一首歌
不過可惜的是 Robbie Williams在發行完這張單曲後 就單飛了
現在看到Backstreet Boys又重聚 發行了新專輯 詩詩好羨慕BSB迷喔!!
要看到TT再相聚 是不可能的事了!! 詩詩只能在這些影片 回憶他們了
這首歌收錄在他們1995年發行的最後一張專輯"Nobody Else"

1. 音樂錄影帶版
這是當時音樂錄影帶 Gary Barlow也是從這張單曲開始變瘦 看起來也帥多了
但小可愛Markie 卻變得更瘦 反而變醜了

2. 現場演唱版 (請按箭頭play)
這是他們參加歐洲MTV錄影現場演唱 也是詩詩最後一次看到他們同台的表演
這時候Robbie把他的頭髮染成金黃色 看起來更叛逆
沒想到Robbie學Wham的George Michael單飛
果然先走先贏!!! Robbie現在在歐洲音樂界 可算是The King Of POP!
其他的 唉~不提也罷 想知道他們的現況 可以閱讀詩詩之前寫的"Take That Forever"

3. Robbie & Markie at Knebworth Park (請按箭頭play)
詩詩曾經在"Take That Forever"那篇文章放上了這段音樂版
不過詩詩還是想讓大家看這幕感人的畫面 所以找來了這段影片
這是2003年十月 Robbie在Knebworth Park最後一場演唱會
詩詩每次看到這段表演 都會眼眶濕濕的
可以看到他們再度同台表演 是詩詩一輩子也無法實現的夢想

I guess now it's time,
for me to give up,
I feel it's time,
got a picture of you beside me,
got your lipstick mark still on your coffee cup,
oh yeah,
got a fist of pure emotion,
got a head of shattered dreams,
gotta leave it,
gotta leave it all behind now,

Whatever I said, whatever I did I didn't mean it,
I just want you back for good,
whenever I'm wrong just tell me the song and I'll sing it,
you'll be right and understood,
I want you back for good,

Unaware but underlined,
I figured out the story,
(no no)
it wasn't good,
(no no)
but in the corner of my mind,
(corner of my mind)
I celebrated glory,
but that was not to be,
in the twist of separation,
you excelled at being free,
can't you find,
a little room inside for me,

Whatever I said, whatever I did I didn't mean it
I just want you back for good,
you see I want you back for good,
Whenever I'm wrong just tell me the song and I'll sing it,
You'll be right and understood,
I want you back for good,

And we'll be together,
this time is forever,
We'll be fighting and forever we will be,
So complete in our love
We will never be uncovered again,

Whatever I said, whatever I did I didn't mean it,
I just want you back for good,
whenever I'm wrong just tell me the song and I'll sing it,
you'll be right and understood,
you see I want you back for good,
whenever I'm wrong I'll tell you,
want you back, I want you back for good,
whenever I'm wrong I'll tell you,
want you back, want you back,
you see I want you back for good,

Oh yeah,
I guess {that} now it's time,
that you came back for good...


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